Spiritual Discipline: “Study”

“I will study your teachings and follow your footsteps.” Psalms 119:15

Spiritual discipline is vital for your Christian walk, but that doesn’t mean that it is an easy thing to practice day in and day out. I posted a photo last night to social media that discusses aspects of spiritual growth and that is my basis of this study. When I was looking at the list I was encouraged and convicted. If you saw my latest social media post, I talked about starting a D-Group. This group is founded on the principles of accountability and discipleship. Each week we have to: read a chapter in our book, follow along in a bible plan, learn scripture, and do a HEAR journal (I’ll talk more about what that is). These are practical ways to grow in your faith but why does it seem hard for us, as Christians to commit to these “study” steps that will overall better our lives? I think for me it is a couple of different things but in the book, I am reading the author really emphasizes the personal responsibility that you have in your spiritual discipline.

One thing that has stuck out to me is having “spiritual goals” it’s never occurred to me to set goals for what I want out of my faith. I think by doing this it keeps us accountable. Here’s the thing though, you can’t have goals for something that you haven’t even started yet. That is where studying comes into practice. To have a plan of action for your spiritual life you have to study the Bible. It’s where all of our knowledge will come from. Robby Gallaty states, “You cannot be a true disciple of Christ apart from His Word. You cannot grow as a Christian without the Bible” (p. 86). God’s word is the center of all discipline when you start to reflect and study on his word more things will fall into place. I was never one to stick with a Bible plan and I don’t really have a reason why something about being that intimate with the Father scared me. I think that is true for a lot of people, but when I gave up control to the Lord that is when my whole life changed We are supposed to draw near to him, delight in his word for it is good! Studying God’s word is the most important thing you can do for yourself. In today’s world, we all want to do things that directly benefit us, it’s in our nature and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Why would we not embrace the word of God when it’s the very thing that will benefit us the most. Spiritual discipline is hard but so worth it. The fruits that God will produce in your life is far greater than what you might have to sacrifice to embark on this journey with the Father. He will guide you step by step and transform your heart.

This is an example of a HEAR Journal.
Some factors of spiritual discipline. Seeing these factors and being able to identify the areas that I am achieving/ lacking has been a major encouragement for me and I hope it encourages you too!

I hope everyone is doing well! I loved writing this blog it was an encouragement to me and I hope it encouraged you as well. Be in prayer for some awesome things that Rolling In Faith is getting to do (more info SOON!) Also, think about some spiritual goals that you have. Pray more? Start a bible study? Whatever it may be, let me know and let’s talk about it.

See you next week,
